Wednesday, February 9, 2011

E.R.S. in the M.E.

Who would have thought thta I would be playing E.R.S. after highschool was over? Not me, I was sure when we had really heated games at the lunch table that the game would be short lived (similar to during finals at Trinity). Not true at all!

Tonight I came home from school to a huge family gathering including my aunts and cousins and some delicious pizza looking thing with onions and other things on it (but not cheese) and a huge spread of food. Then some other SIT kids who live near and who I am related to (Sarah, Biff, Fernando) came over and we had an awesome game of E.R.S in my room with my little brother. I learned the word for 'cheater', which I have quickly forgotten but I'm sure is written on a notecard somewhere. Then off to a cafe to do some homework and now back home watching Al-Jazeera with the family and blogging. Successful day? I think so.

Speaking of Arabic, I'm falling in love with Fusha. Seriously, the language is beautiful when written and being able to read is getting me pretty excited. Today while I was studying at the cafe with some people I was able to read most all of the words I had written to study earlier (though my speed is that of a kindergartner, I'm sure- it takes me probably up to 10 seconds to sound out the word, and we're still learning using the crutch of accent marks, which aren't used in the real world). Still, I'm excited and it's fun to write and to be able to recognize letters on signs :)

Alas, it's been quite a rambunctious day/night but tomorrow (Thursday) is our "Friday" so I've got the weekend to look forward to. There is some serious studying that needs to take place, but I'm giving myself some leeway because I've also only been here for a week now (?) and I'm still exploring everything and wanting to get out. Anyway, I think that's all for now!

Good health and happy days for you all until next time!


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